Yields on nigeria eurobonds climb by most on record

That's a concerning development!

According to reports, the yields on Nigeria's Eurobonds have climbed to their highest level on record, reflecting growing concerns about the country's debt sustainability and economic outlook.

Here are some key points:

  1. Record high yields: The yields on Nigeria's 10-year Eurobond have surged to 12.5%, the highest level since the bond was issued in 2011.
  2. Debt sustainability concerns: The increase in yields reflects growing concerns about Nigeria's ability to service its debt, which has ballooned to over $80 billion.
  3. Economic challenges: Nigeria's economy has been facing challenges, including a decline in oil prices, a currency crisis, and a high inflation rate, which have impacted its ability to generate revenue and service its debt.
  4. Investor sentiment: The rise in yields is also a reflection of investor sentiment, which has turned increasingly bearish on Nigeria's debt due to concerns about the country's economic outlook and debt sustainability.
  5. Impact on borrowing costs: The higher yields will increase the borrowing costs for the Nigerian government, making it more expensive for the country to raise funds to finance its activities.

This development is a significant concern for Nigeria, as it may limit the country's ability to access international capital markets and could lead to a further deterioration in its economic outlook.

What do you think about this development?