Yandex ru news

Here are the latest news from, a popular Russian search engine and news aggregator:

Top Stories

  1. Путин и Порошенко обсудили Донбасс (Putin and Poroshenko discussed Donbass): Russian President Vladimir Putin and Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko held a phone conversation to discuss the situation in Donbass, a region in eastern Ukraine.
  2. Россия и США договорились о сотрудничестве в борьбе с терроризмом (Russia and US agreed on cooperation in fighting terrorism): Russia and the United States have agreed to cooperate in the fight against terrorism, including sharing intelligence and conducting joint operations.
  3. Минфин России предлагает увеличить пенсионный возраст (Russia's Finance Ministry proposes increasing pension age): The Russian Finance Ministry has proposed increasing the pension age to 65 for men and 63 for women, citing demographic challenges and the need to reduce the burden on the pension system.
  4. В Москве произошел пожар в жилом доме (Fire in residential building in Moscow): A fire broke out in a residential building in Moscow, injuring several people and causing significant damage.
  5. Российские власти обвинили США в нарушении международного права (Russian authorities accuse US of violating international law): Russia's Foreign Ministry has accused the United States of violating international law by imposing sanctions on Russian individuals and entities.

Business and Economy

  1. Российская экономика выросла на 1,5% (Russian economy grew by 1.5%): Russia's economy grew by 1.5% in the first quarter of 2023, driven by increased oil production and government spending.
  2. Минфин России предлагает увеличить налоги для компаний (Russia's Finance Ministry proposes increasing taxes for companies): The Russian Finance Ministry has proposed increasing taxes for companies to reduce the budget deficit and increase revenue.
  3. Российские банки готовы к санкциям США (Russian banks ready for US sanctions): Russian banks are preparing for the possibility of US sanctions, which could be imposed in response to Russia's actions in Ukraine.


  1. Зенит обыграл «Локомотив» в матче Премьер-лиги (Zenit beats Lokomotiv in Premier League match): Zenit St. Petersburg defeated Lokomotiv Moscow 2-1 in a Premier League match.
  2. Российские спортсмены завоевали медали на чемпионате мира по биатлону (Russian biathletes win medals at World Biathlon Championships): Russian biathletes won several medals at the World Biathlon Championships in Austria.


  1. Московский международный фестиваль искусств стартует в Москве (Moscow International Arts Festival starts in Moscow): The Moscow International Arts Festival, which features performances by Russian and international artists, has started in Moscow.
  2. Российский кинорежиссер Никита Михалков получил премию за вклад в кинематограф (Russian film director Nikita Mikhalkov receives award for contribution to cinema): Russian film director Nikita Mikhalkov has received an award for his contribution to cinema at the Moscow International Film Festival.

These are just a few of the latest news stories from Please note that the news may be subject to change and may not be up-to-date.