Yakubu wants court to return his 9 7m 74000 #comments

It seems like Yakubu is seeking legal action to recover a significant amount of money. Here's a breakdown of the amount he's claiming:

This is a substantial amount, and it's likely that Yakubu has a strong case or evidence to support his claim. It's possible that he's seeking the court's intervention to recover this amount from someone or an organization.

Without more context, it's difficult to provide further insight or advice. However, I can suggest that Yakubu may want to consider the following steps:

  1. Gather evidence: Yakubu should collect all relevant documents, records, and evidence to support his claim.
  2. Consult a lawyer: It's essential to seek legal advice from a qualified attorney who can help Yakubu understand his rights and options.
  3. File a lawsuit: If Yakubu has a strong case, he may need to file a lawsuit against the party or parties responsible for the debt.
  4. Negotiate a settlement: In some cases, it may be possible to negotiate a settlement or payment plan with the party or parties responsible for the debt.

It's important to note that legal proceedings can be complex and time-consuming. Yakubu should be prepared to provide detailed information and evidence to support his claim, and he should also be prepared for a potentially lengthy legal battle.