Yahoo news usa today

Here are the top stories from Yahoo News and USA Today:

Yahoo News:

  1. Biden to visit Texas after devastating winter storm: President Joe Biden will travel to Texas on Friday to survey the damage from a devastating winter storm that has left millions without power and water.
  2. COVID-19 cases surge in US, hospitalizations rise: The number of COVID-19 cases in the US has surged in recent days, with hospitalizations also increasing, according to data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
  3. Trump's impeachment trial to begin in February: The impeachment trial of former President Donald Trump is set to begin in February, with the Senate expected to vote on whether to convict him on charges of inciting the January 6th insurrection.
  4. US economy adds 49,000 jobs in January: The US economy added 49,000 jobs in January, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, a slower pace than expected.
  5. NASA's Perseverance rover discovers evidence of ancient lake on Mars: NASA's Perseverance rover has discovered evidence of an ancient lake on Mars, which could have supported life billions of years ago.

USA Today:

  1. Winter storm leaves millions without power, water in Texas: A devastating winter storm has left millions of people in Texas without power and water, with some areas experiencing temperatures as low as -20°F.
  2. Biden administration to release 50 million doses of COVID-19 vaccine: The Biden administration has announced plans to release 50 million doses of COVID-19 vaccine to states and territories, in an effort to speed up the vaccination process.
  3. Trump's impeachment trial to begin in February: The impeachment trial of former President Donald Trump is set to begin in February, with the Senate expected to vote on whether to convict him on charges of inciting the January 6th insurrection.
  4. US economy adds 49,000 jobs in January: The US economy added 49,000 jobs in January, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, a slower pace than expected.
  5. NASA's Perseverance rover discovers evidence of ancient lake on Mars: NASA's Perseverance rover has discovered evidence of an ancient lake on Mars, which could have supported life billions of years ago.

Please note that these are just some of the top stories from Yahoo News and USA Today, and the content may change as new stories are published.