Yahoo news publisher

You're looking for a publisher that distributes news content through Yahoo News!

There are several ways to become a publisher on Yahoo News:

  1. Yahoo News Partner Network (YNPN): This is a program that allows news organizations to distribute their content on Yahoo News. To join YNPN, your news organization must meet certain criteria, such as having a strong online presence and a reputation for producing high-quality content.
  2. Yahoo News Open Content Program: This program allows news organizations to share their content on Yahoo News in exchange for exposure and traffic. To participate, you'll need to submit your content to Yahoo News and agree to their terms and conditions.
  3. Yahoo News Contributor Network: This is a program that allows individual writers and bloggers to contribute content to Yahoo News. To become a contributor, you'll need to apply and be accepted into the program.

To get started, you can visit the Yahoo News website and explore the options above. You can also reach out to Yahoo News directly to inquire about their publishing opportunities.

Here are some general requirements to become a publisher on Yahoo News:

Remember to carefully review Yahoo News' guidelines and requirements before applying to become a publisher. Good luck!