Yahoo news png

Here is the logo of Yahoo News in PNG format:

Yahoo News Logo (PNG)


Description: The logo features the Yahoo News wordmark in a bold, sans-serif font, with the words "Yahoo News" written in a curved line above the news icon. The news icon is a stylized letter "N" made up of newsprint-style lines and shapes.

Color Scheme: The logo features a blue and white color scheme, with the blue being a darker, navy blue (#032B44) and the white being a bright, clean white (#FFFFFF).

Dimensions: The logo is available in various sizes, but the standard size is 200x50 pixels.

Usage: You can use this logo for personal or commercial purposes, such as on your website, social media profiles, or marketing materials. However, please ensure that you follow the terms and conditions of Yahoo's brand guidelines and do not modify the logo in any way that could damage the brand's reputation.