Yahoo news odd

Here are some unusual and interesting news stories from Yahoo News:

  1. Man finds $1 million in cash on the side of the road: A man in California was driving home from work when he stumbled upon a duffel bag filled with $1 million in cash. The bag was left on the side of the road, and the man turned it over to the authorities. (Source: Yahoo News)
  2. Woman gives birth to 14-pound baby: A woman in Texas gave birth to a 14-pound baby, making it one of the largest babies ever born in the United States. The baby's size was attributed to the mother's gestational diabetes. (Source: Yahoo News)
  3. Man discovers 1,000-year-old Viking sword in his backyard: A man in Sweden was digging in his backyard when he stumbled upon a 1,000-year-old Viking sword. The sword is believed to be from the Viking era and is now on display at a local museum. (Source: Yahoo News)
  4. Cat survives 10 days in a washing machine: A cat in the UK got stuck in a washing machine and survived for 10 days before being rescued. The cat's owner was shocked to find the cat alive and well when she opened the washing machine. (Source: Yahoo News)
  5. Man finds 2,000-year-old Roman coin in his garden: A man in the UK was digging in his garden when he stumbled upon a 2,000-year-old Roman coin. The coin is believed to be from the Roman Empire and is now on display at a local museum. (Source: Yahoo News)
  6. Woman gives birth to twins with different fathers: A woman in the US gave birth to twins with different fathers. The woman had a relationship with one man, but also had an affair with another man, resulting in the twins having different fathers. (Source: Yahoo News)
  7. Man discovers 100-year-old letter in his attic: A man in the US was cleaning out his attic when he stumbled upon a 100-year-old letter. The letter was written by his great-grandfather and was addressed to his great-grandmother. (Source: Yahoo News)
  8. Cat becomes internet sensation for its 'smizing' skills: A cat in the US has become an internet sensation for its ability to "smize," or smile with its eyes. The cat's owner has been posting videos of the cat's smizing skills online, and it has gained a large following. (Source: Yahoo News)
  9. Man finds 500-year-old shipwreck in his backyard: A man in the UK was digging in his backyard when he stumbled upon a 500-year-old shipwreck. The shipwreck is believed to be from the 16th century and is now on display at a local museum. (Source: Yahoo News)
  10. Woman gives birth to a baby with a rare condition that makes her look like a 'mini-me': A woman in the US gave birth to a baby with a rare condition that makes her look like a "mini-me." The baby has the same facial features as her mother, including the same nose and eyes. (Source: Yahoo News)

These are just a few examples of the unusual and interesting news stories that can be found on Yahoo News.