Www voa hausa news

You're looking for VOA Hausa news! VOA Hausa is the Hausa language service of the Voice of America (VOA), a US government-funded international news organization. Here's how you can access their news:

Website: You can visit the VOA Hausa website at www.voahausa.com.

News Categories: VOA Hausa offers a variety of news categories, including:

  1. Lafiya (Health): News and information on health, medicine, and wellness.
  2. Gyaran Gida (Home and Family): News and information on family, relationships, and lifestyle.
  3. Kasar (Country): News and information on politics, economy, and society in Nigeria and other African countries.
  4. Duniya (World): News and information on international events, politics, and economy.
  5. Kwamfuta (Sports): News and information on sports, including football, basketball, and other popular sports.

Audio and Video News: VOA Hausa also offers audio and video news broadcasts, which you can listen to or watch online.

Social Media: You can also follow VOA Hausa on social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube to stay up-to-date with the latest news and updates.