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Vatican News is the official news agency of the Holy See, providing news and information about the Catholic Church and the Vatican. Here are some of the latest news articles and features from Vatican News:

Top Stories

  1. Pope Francis appoints new Secretary of State: Pope Francis has appointed Archbishop Pietro Parolin as the new Secretary of State, replacing Cardinal Pietro Parolin.
  2. Vatican City State celebrates 93rd anniversary: Vatican City State celebrated its 93rd anniversary on February 11, marking the day when the Lateran Treaty was signed, establishing the independent city-state.
  3. Pope Francis meets with Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew: Pope Francis met with Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew I of Constantinople at the Vatican, discussing the progress of ecumenical dialogue between the Catholic and Orthodox Churches.


  1. Vatican Museums to reopen with new exhibits: The Vatican Museums will reopen on March 1 with new exhibits, including a display on the life and teachings of Pope Francis.
  2. Pope Francis to visit Bulgaria and North Macedonia: Pope Francis will visit Bulgaria and North Macedonia from May 3-7, marking the first papal visit to the region in over 20 years.
  3. Vatican City State to host international conference on human trafficking: Vatican City State will host an international conference on human trafficking from March 25-27, bringing together experts and officials from around the world to discuss the issue.


  1. The life and legacy of Pope John Paul II: Vatican News has published a series of articles and videos commemorating the 40th anniversary of Pope John Paul II's papacy, including his life, teachings, and legacy.
  2. The Vatican's role in promoting peace and dialogue: Vatican News has published a series of articles highlighting the Vatican's efforts to promote peace and dialogue around the world, including its diplomatic efforts and humanitarian work.
  3. The beauty of the Vatican's art and architecture: Vatican News has published a series of articles and videos showcasing the beauty of the Vatican's art and architecture, including the Sistine Chapel, St. Peter's Basilica, and the Vatican Museums.

These are just a few examples of the many news articles and features available on Vatican News. The website is updated regularly with the latest news and information from the Vatican and around the world.