Www nta news
You're looking for news from the National Transportation Authority (NTA) in Ireland!
Here are some recent news articles from the NTA website:
- New Bus Network for Dublin: The NTA has launched a new bus network for Dublin, with 139 routes and over 7,000 stops. The new network aims to improve frequency, reliability, and connectivity across the city. [Source: NTA website]
- Luas Cross City Extension: The NTA has announced the completion of the Luas Cross City extension, which connects the Red and Green lines of the Luas tram network. The extension provides a new route for passengers and reduces travel times across the city. [Source: NTA website]
- National Transport Policy: The NTA has published its National Transport Policy, which sets out the authority's vision for transport in Ireland over the next decade. The policy focuses on sustainability, accessibility, and connectivity. [Source: NTA website]
- Transport Infrastructure Investment: The NTA has announced a significant investment in transport infrastructure, including new roads, public transport services, and pedestrian and cycling facilities. The investment aims to improve safety, reduce congestion, and promote sustainable transport. [Source: NTA website]
- Public Consultation on Bus Services: The NTA is currently consulting on proposed changes to bus services in Dublin, including new routes, frequencies, and timetables. The consultation aims to gather feedback from passengers and stakeholders. [Source: NTA website]
These are just a few examples of the news and updates available on the NTA website. If you're interested in staying up-to-date with the latest transport news in Ireland, I recommend checking the NTA website regularly!