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It looks like you're interested in the National Park Foundation (NPF) news!

The National Park Foundation (NPF) is the official charity of the National Park Service, and their website (www.npf.org) provides updates on various topics related to national parks, conservation, and outdoor recreation.

Here are some recent news articles from the NPF website:

  1. National Park Service Celebrates 103 Years: The NPS is marking its 103rd anniversary, and the NPF is highlighting the importance of national parks in preserving America's natural and cultural heritage.
  2. New Study Reveals Economic Benefits of National Parks: A recent study by the NPF and the National Park Service found that national parks generate significant economic benefits for local communities, with visitors spending over $35 billion in 2020.
  3. Conservation Efforts Protect Endangered Species: The NPF is working with the National Park Service and other partners to protect endangered species, such as the California condor and the gray wolf, in national parks.
  4. National Park Foundation Awards Grants for Park Projects: The NPF has awarded grants to support projects in national parks, including habitat restoration, trail maintenance, and educational programs.
  5. National Park Service Launches New Online Platform: The NPS has launched a new online platform, "Find Your Park," which allows visitors to explore national parks, plan trips, and learn more about park history and culture.

These are just a few examples of the types of news and updates you can find on the NPF website. If you're interested in learning more about national parks, conservation, or outdoor recreation, I encourage you to explore the website further!