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Here are some recent news articles from the Nigerian Army's official website:

Latest News

  1. Nigerian Army Commences Exercise "Exercise Crocodile Smile VI" (October 2022) - The Nigerian Army has commenced Exercise "Exercise Crocodile Smile VI", a major military operation aimed at tackling insecurity in the country.
  2. Nigerian Army Promotes 38 Senior Officers (September 2022) - The Nigerian Army has promoted 38 senior officers to higher ranks, in a move aimed at boosting morale and efficiency in the force.
  3. Nigerian Army Destroys Boko Haram Camps in Borno State (August 2022) - The Nigerian Army has destroyed several Boko Haram camps in Borno State, as part of its efforts to degrade the terrorist group's capabilities.

Featured Stories

  1. Nigerian Army's Efforts in Counter-Terrorism Operations (July 2022) - The Nigerian Army has been at the forefront of counter-terrorism operations in the country, with significant successes against Boko Haram and other terrorist groups.
  2. Nigerian Army's Humanitarian Efforts in the North East (June 2022) - The Nigerian Army has been involved in various humanitarian activities in the North East region, including providing aid to internally displaced persons (IDPs) and supporting local communities.
  3. Nigerian Army's Cyber Warfare Capabilities (May 2022) - The Nigerian Army has been developing its cyber warfare capabilities, with a view to enhancing its ability to counter cyber threats and protect its networks and systems.

Press Releases

  1. Nigerian Army's Press Release on Exercise "Exercise Crocodile Smile VI" (October 2022) - The Nigerian Army has issued a press release on Exercise "Exercise Crocodile Smile VI", outlining the objectives and scope of the operation.
  2. Nigerian Army's Press Release on the Promotion of 38 Senior Officers (September 2022) - The Nigerian Army has issued a press release on the promotion of 38 senior officers, highlighting the significance of the move for the force.
  3. Nigerian Army's Press Release on the Destruction of Boko Haram Camps (August 2022) - The Nigerian Army has issued a press release on the destruction of several Boko Haram camps in Borno State, emphasizing the importance of the operation for national security.

Please note that the news articles and press releases on the Nigerian Army's website may be subject to change or updates.