Www nigeria news update com

It seems like you're looking for the latest news updates from Nigeria. Here are a few options:

  1. Vanguard News: www.vanguardngr.com - A popular Nigerian newspaper that provides up-to-date news on politics, sports, entertainment, and more.
  2. Pulse Nigeria: www.pulse.ng - A Nigerian news website that covers a wide range of topics, including politics, entertainment, sports, and lifestyle.
  3. Naij.com: www.naij.com - A Nigerian news website that provides updates on politics, sports, entertainment, and more.
  4. Lindaikejisblog: www.lindaikejisblog.com - A popular Nigerian blog that provides news updates on politics, entertainment, and more.
  5. The Cable: www.thecable.ng - A Nigerian online newspaper that provides in-depth news coverage on politics, business, and more.

These are just a few examples, and there are many more news sources available online. You can also try searching for specific topics or keywords to find relevant news articles.

Remember to always verify the credibility of the sources you use to ensure you're getting accurate and reliable information.