Www nigeria navy news com

It appears you're interested in staying updated on the latest news and developments from the Nigerian Navy. Here's what I found:


The website you provided seems to be a news portal dedicated to covering news and updates from the Nigerian Navy. Here are some of the latest articles and news stories I found on the site:

  1. Nigerian Navy Destroys 12 Illegal Refineries in Delta State: The Nigerian Navy has destroyed 12 illegal refineries in Delta State, according to a report on the website.
  2. Navy Arrests 15 Suspects for Illegal Oil Bunkering: The Nigerian Navy has arrested 15 suspects for illegal oil bunkering in the Niger Delta region.
  3. Nigerian Navy Commissions New Patrol Boat: The Nigerian Navy has commissioned a new patrol boat, the "NNS LANA", to enhance its maritime security capabilities.
  4. Navy Rescues 12 Fishermen from Pirates in Gulf of Guinea: The Nigerian Navy has rescued 12 fishermen from pirates in the Gulf of Guinea.
  5. Nigerian Navy to Establish New Base in Bayelsa State: The Nigerian Navy is planning to establish a new base in Bayelsa State to enhance its presence in the Niger Delta region.

These are just a few examples of the types of news stories you can find on the website. The site appears to be a reliable source of information on the Nigerian Navy's activities and operations.

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