Www local news

Here are some local news sources from around the world:

United States:

  1. New York Times (NYC): www.nytimes.com
  2. Los Angeles Times (LA): www.latimes.com
  3. Chicago Tribune (Chicago): www.chicagotribune.com
  4. Washington Post (Washington D.C.): www.washingtonpost.com
  5. San Francisco Chronicle (San Francisco): www.sfchronicle.com


  1. Toronto Star (Toronto): www.thestar.com
  2. Vancouver Sun (Vancouver): www.vancouversun.com
  3. Montreal Gazette (Montreal): www.montrealgazette.com
  4. Calgary Herald (Calgary): www.calgaryherald.com
  5. Ottawa Citizen (Ottawa): www.ottawacitizen.com

United Kingdom:

  1. The Guardian (London): www.theguardian.com
  2. The Times (London): www.thetimes.co.uk
  3. The Telegraph (London): www.telegraph.co.uk
  4. The Independent (London): www.independent.co.uk
  5. The Scotsman (Edinburgh): www.scotsman.com


  1. The Sydney Morning Herald (Sydney): www.smh.com.au
  2. The Age (Melbourne): www.theage.com.au
  3. The Australian (Canberra): www.theaustralian.com.au
  4. The Herald Sun (Melbourne): www.heraldsun.com.au
  5. The West Australian (Perth): www.watoday.com.au

Other countries:

  1. France: Le Monde (Paris): www.lemonde.fr
  2. Germany: Süddeutsche Zeitung (Munich): www.sueddeutsche.de
  3. Japan: Asahi Shimbun (Tokyo): www.asahi.com
  4. India: The Hindu (Chennai): www.thehindu.com
  5. China: People's Daily (Beijing): www.people.com.cn

Please note that these are just a few examples, and there are many more local news sources available online.