Www leadership news

Here are some recent leadership news articles and updates:

Leadership Development

  1. The Future of Leadership Development: A new report by the Association for Talent Development (ATD) highlights the importance of leadership development in the modern workplace. (Source: ATD)
  2. The Rise of the Digital Leader: A new study by Gartner finds that digital leaders are more likely to prioritize innovation and customer experience over traditional metrics. (Source: Gartner)

Leadership Trends

  1. The Shift to Remote Leadership: As remote work becomes the new norm, leaders must adapt to new challenges and opportunities. (Source: Harvard Business Review)
  2. The Importance of Emotional Intelligence: A new study by the Harvard Business Review finds that emotional intelligence is a key predictor of leadership success. (Source: Harvard Business Review)

Leadership Profiles

  1. Elon Musk's Leadership Style: A new article by Forbes explores the leadership style of Elon Musk, including his emphasis on innovation and risk-taking. (Source: Forbes)
  2. Mary Barra's Leadership Journey: A new article by Fortune profiles the leadership journey of Mary Barra, CEO of General Motors, including her focus on diversity and inclusion. (Source: Fortune)

Leadership Challenges

  1. The Leadership Gap: A new report by McKinsey finds that many organizations are struggling to develop the leadership talent they need to succeed. (Source: McKinsey)
  2. The Impact of Burnout on Leadership: A new study by the American Psychological Association finds that burnout is a significant problem for leaders, with serious consequences for their well-being and performance. (Source: APA)

Leadership Books

  1. "Dare to Lead" by Brené Brown: A new book by Brené Brown explores the importance of vulnerability and empathy in leadership. (Source: Amazon)
  2. "The Leadership Code" by Dave Ulrich and Norm Smallwood: A new book by Dave Ulrich and Norm Smallwood provides a framework for leaders to develop their skills and achieve success. (Source: Amazon)

I hope these articles and updates are helpful!