Www kenya breaking news

Here are some of the latest breaking news from Kenya:

Top Stories

  1. Kenya's COVID-19 cases surge to 103,000: The Ministry of Health has reported a significant increase in COVID-19 cases, with 1,143 new cases recorded in the past 24 hours. (Source: The Star)
  2. Uhuru Kenyatta's legacy: A mixed bag: As President Uhuru Kenyatta's term comes to an end, analysts are weighing his achievements and shortcomings. (Source: The Nation)
  3. Kenya's economy to grow by 6.3% in 2023: The International Monetary Fund (IMF) has projected a 6.3% economic growth rate for Kenya in 2023, driven by a recovery in the agriculture and manufacturing sectors. (Source: Business Daily)


  1. Raila Odinga's Azimio la Umoja party launched: The former Prime Minister has launched his new political party, Azimio la Umoja, which is expected to challenge the ruling Jubilee Party in the 2022 general elections. (Source: The Standard)
  2. William Ruto's UDA party gains momentum: The Deputy President's United Democratic Alliance (UDA) party has gained popularity, with many politicians defecting from other parties to join the fold. (Source: Daily Nation)
  3. Kenya's election commission to introduce biometric voting: The Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC) has announced plans to introduce biometric voting technology to ensure the integrity of the electoral process. (Source: The East African)


  1. Kenya's economy to benefit from AfCFTA: The African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) is expected to boost Kenya's economy by increasing trade and investment with other African countries. (Source: Business Daily)
  2. Kenya's coffee exports decline: The Kenya Coffee Association has reported a decline in coffee exports, citing poor weather conditions and low prices. (Source: The Star)
  3. Kenya's tourism industry rebounds: The tourism industry has recovered from the COVID-19 pandemic, with many tourists returning to the country. (Source: The Nation)


  1. Kenya's athletes dominate at the World Athletics Championships: Kenyan athletes have made a strong showing at the World Athletics Championships, with several medals won in track and field events. (Source: The Standard)
  2. Kenya's rugby team qualifies for the Rugby World Cup: The Kenya Simbas have qualified for the Rugby World Cup, which will be held in France in 2023. (Source: The Nation)
  3. Kenya's football team faces tough opponents in the Africa Cup of Nations: The Kenya national football team has been drawn against tough opponents in the Africa Cup of Nations, including Algeria and Senegal. (Source: Daily Nation)

These are just a few of the latest breaking news stories from Kenya. Stay tuned for more updates!