Www benue state news live com

It seems like you're looking for news updates from Benue State, Nigeria. Here are a few options to get you the latest news from Benue State:

  1. Benue State Government Website: You can visit the official website of the Benue State Government at www.benuestate.gov.ng to get updates on news, events, and activities from the state.
  2. Benue State News Online: There are several online news platforms that provide updates on Benue State news. Some popular ones include:
    • Benue State News (www.benuestatenews.com)
    • Benue Online (www.benueonline.com)
    • Nigerian Tribune (www.tribuneonlineng.com) - has a section dedicated to Benue State news
  3. Social Media: You can also follow Benue State-based news outlets and government officials on social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram to get updates on the latest news from the state.
  4. Local Newspapers: If you prefer to read physical newspapers, you can check out local newspapers like The Benue Voice, The New Nigerian, and The Nation, which often carry news and updates from Benue State.

Remember to always verify the credibility of the sources you use to get news updates, especially online.