Wrong people are placed in wrong fields to handle cbn reveals about persistent recession

I understand your concern. It's frustrating when individuals are placed in roles that don't align with their skills or expertise, especially when it comes to handling sensitive and complex issues like Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) revelations about persistent recession.

Here are some potential reasons why this might be happening:

  1. Lack of expertise: The CBN may not have the necessary expertise or resources to handle the complexity of the recession, leading to the placement of individuals in roles that are not a good fit.
  2. Inadequate training: The individuals placed in these roles may not have received adequate training or guidance on how to handle the sensitive and complex issues related to the recession.
  3. Bureaucratic inefficiencies: The CBN's organizational structure and bureaucracy may be hindering the placement of the right people in the right roles, leading to inefficiencies and ineffective decision-making.
  4. Lack of transparency: The CBN may not be transparent about the reasons behind the placement of individuals in certain roles, leading to speculation and frustration among stakeholders.
  5. Political interference: Political interference or influence may be playing a role in the placement of individuals in certain roles, rather than considering their expertise and qualifications.

To address this issue, I would suggest the following:

  1. Conduct a skills assessment: The CBN should conduct a thorough skills assessment to identify the strengths and weaknesses of its employees and place them in roles that align with their expertise.
  2. Provide training and development opportunities: The CBN should provide training and development opportunities to help employees build the skills they need to effectively handle complex issues like recession.
  3. Improve transparency: The CBN should be more transparent about its decision-making processes and the reasons behind the placement of individuals in certain roles.
  4. Encourage open communication: The CBN should encourage open communication among its employees and stakeholders to address concerns and improve collaboration.
  5. Consider external expertise: If necessary, the CBN should consider bringing in external experts to help address the complex issues related to the recession.

By addressing these issues, the CBN can improve the effectiveness of its decision-making processes and better handle the challenges posed by the persistent recession.