World news opinion

Here are some recent world news articles with opinions:

Global Politics

  1. "The World Needs a New Global Order" by Fareed Zakaria (The Washington Post) - Zakaria argues that the current global order is unsustainable and that a new system is needed to address the challenges of the 21st century.
  2. "Why the US Should Stay in the Iran Nuclear Deal" by Thomas Friedman (The New York Times) - Friedman argues that the US should remain in the Iran nuclear deal, despite the Trump administration's decision to withdraw, as it is a crucial step towards preventing nuclear proliferation in the Middle East.


  1. "The Global Economy Needs a New Paradigm" by Joseph Stiglitz (Project Syndicate) - Stiglitz argues that the global economy is facing a crisis of inequality and that a new paradigm is needed to address the issues of income and wealth inequality.
  2. "Why the US-China Trade War is a Global Problem" by Martin Wolf (The Financial Times) - Wolf argues that the US-China trade war is not just a bilateral issue, but a global problem that could have far-reaching consequences for the world economy.


  1. "The Climate Crisis is a Global Emergency" by Greta Thunberg (The Guardian) - Thunberg argues that the climate crisis is a global emergency that requires immediate action from governments and individuals around the world.
  2. "Why the World Needs a Green New Deal" by Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (The New York Times) - Ocasio-Cortez argues that a Green New Deal is necessary to address the climate crisis and create a more sustainable future for the world.

Human Rights

  1. "The World Needs to Stand Up to China's Human Rights Abuses" by Joshua Wong (The Washington Post) - Wong argues that the world needs to stand up to China's human rights abuses and hold the government accountable for its actions.
  2. "Why the US Should Support the Palestinian Right of Return" by Ali Abunimah (The Nation) - Abunimah argues that the US should support the Palestinian right of return, which is a key issue in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.


  1. "The World Needs to Regulate Big Tech" by Shoshana Zuboff (The Guardian) - Zuboff argues that the world needs to regulate big tech companies to protect individual privacy and promote a more equitable society.
  2. "Why AI is a Global Opportunity" by Fei-Fei Li (The New York Times) - Li argues that AI is a global opportunity that can be used to solve some of the world's most pressing problems, such as healthcare and education.

These are just a few examples of recent world news articles with opinions. There are many more out there, and I hope this helps you find some interesting and thought-provoking pieces!