World bank to assist nigeria to tackle coronavirus poverty alleviation

The World Bank has indeed announced plans to assist Nigeria in tackling the COVID-19 pandemic and alleviating poverty in the country. Here are some details:

World Bank's Assistance to Nigeria

In April 2020, the World Bank approved a $1.5 billion emergency assistance package to support Nigeria's response to the COVID-19 pandemic. The package is designed to help the country mitigate the economic and social impacts of the pandemic, particularly on the most vulnerable populations.

Objectives of the Assistance

The World Bank's assistance aims to achieve several objectives, including:

  1. Supporting the Government's Response: The World Bank will provide financial support to the Nigerian government to help it respond to the pandemic, including funding for healthcare services, contact tracing, and testing.
  2. Protecting the Poor and Vulnerable: The assistance will focus on protecting the poor and vulnerable populations, including women, children, and people with disabilities, who are disproportionately affected by the pandemic.
  3. Maintaining Economic Stability: The World Bank will help Nigeria maintain economic stability by supporting the country's fiscal management and macroeconomic stability.
  4. Promoting Private Sector Recovery: The assistance will also support the recovery of the private sector, which is critical to Nigeria's economic growth and development.

Poverty Alleviation

The World Bank's assistance will also focus on poverty alleviation, which is a critical component of Nigeria's development agenda. The assistance will help the government implement policies and programs that promote poverty reduction, including:

  1. Social Protection: The World Bank will support the government's social protection programs, including cash transfers, food assistance, and other forms of support to vulnerable populations.
  2. Job Creation: The assistance will also support job creation initiatives, including programs that promote entrepreneurship, skills development, and employment opportunities for young people.
  3. Infrastructure Development: The World Bank will support the development of critical infrastructure, including roads, bridges, and energy systems, which are essential for economic growth and poverty reduction.


The World Bank's assistance to Nigeria is a significant step towards tackling the COVID-19 pandemic and alleviating poverty in the country. The assistance will help the government respond to the pandemic, protect the poor and vulnerable, maintain economic stability, and promote private sector recovery.