Wordpress how to make link open in new tab

There are a few ways to make a link open in a new tab in WordPress:

Method 1: Using the target attribute

You can add the target attribute to the link and set its value to _blank. This will open the link in a new tab.


<a rel="nofollow" target="_blank" href="https://www.example.com" target="_blank">Link text</a>

Method 2: Using a plugin

There are several plugins available that can help you achieve this, such as:

To install a plugin, go to the WordPress dashboard, click on Plugins > Add New, and search for the plugin you want to install.

Method 3: Using a code snippet

You can add a code snippet to your theme's functions.php file to make all links open in a new tab. Here's an example:

function open_links_in_new_tab() {
    return ' target="_blank"';
add_filter('the_content', 'open_links_in_new_tab');

This code snippet uses the add_filter function to add a filter to the the_content hook, which is used to display the content of a page or post. The open_links_in_new_tab function returns the target="_blank" attribute, which will make all links open in a new tab.

Method 4: Using a theme function

If you're using a theme that has a functions.php file, you can add the following code to make all links open in a new tab:

function theme_links_open_in_new_tab($content) {
    return str_replace('<a ', '<a target="_blank" ', $content);
add_filter('the_content', 'theme_links_open_in_new_tab');

This code snippet uses the str_replace function to replace all <a tags with <a target="_blank" tags, which will make all links open in a new tab.