Wordpress add new page not working

Frustrating! Don't worry, I'm here to help you troubleshoot the issue. Here are some common reasons why adding a new page in WordPress might not be working:

  1. Plugin conflict: A plugin might be interfering with the page creation process. Try deactivating all plugins and then try adding a new page again.
  2. Theme issue: Your theme might have a bug or a custom code that's preventing page creation. Try switching to a default WordPress theme (e.g., Twenty Nineteen) and see if the issue persists.
  3. Permalink settings: Make sure your permalink settings are correct. Go to Settings > Permalinks and click "Save Changes" to ensure that your permalink structure is set up correctly.
  4. Page template issue: If you're using a custom page template, it might be causing the issue. Try using the default page template or a different custom template.
  5. Database issue: Sometimes, a database issue can prevent page creation. Try running a database repair tool like WP Database Repair or WP Repair to fix any database errors.
  6. File permissions: Ensure that the WordPress files and folders have the correct permissions. You can try changing the permissions to 755 or 644 to see if it resolves the issue.
  7. WordPress version: If you're using an outdated version of WordPress, it might be causing the issue. Try updating to the latest version of WordPress.
  8. Server-side issue: It's possible that there's a server-side issue preventing page creation. Check your server logs for any errors or warnings related to WordPress.

To troubleshoot the issue, you can try the following steps:

  1. Check the WordPress error logs: Go to Settings > General and click on "Save Changes" to generate a new error log. Then, check the error log for any errors related to page creation.
  2. Use the WordPress debug mode: Enable debug mode by adding the following code to your wp-config.php file: define('WP_DEBUG', true);. This will help you identify any errors or warnings related to page creation.
  3. Try creating a new page using the WordPress REST API: You can try creating a new page using the WordPress REST API by sending a POST request to http://yourwebsite.com/wp-json/wp/v2/pages. This will help you identify if the issue is specific to the WordPress admin interface or a broader issue.

If none of these steps resolve the issue, please provide more details about your WordPress setup, including the version of WordPress, theme, and plugins you're using. I'll do my best to help you troubleshoot the problem.