Woody allen book pulped after walkout at publisher

You're likely referring to the controversy surrounding Woody Allen's memoir "Apropos of Nothing" which was published in April 2020.

The book was initially published by Hachette Book Group, but after a walkout by several employees at the publisher, the book was subsequently pulped, meaning it was recalled and destroyed.

The controversy surrounding the book centered on Allen's past allegations of sexual abuse, which were made by his adopted daughter Dylan Farrow in 1992. The allegations were investigated at the time, but Allen was not charged or convicted.

In the wake of the #MeToo movement, many people called for the book to be canceled, citing Allen's history of alleged abuse. Several authors and employees at Hachette Book Group publicly expressed their opposition to the book's publication, and some even resigned in protest.

As a result, Hachette Book Group announced that it would no longer be publishing the book, and it was subsequently pulped. The decision was seen as a major victory for the #MeToo movement and a recognition of the importance of holding powerful individuals accountable for their actions.

It's worth noting that Allen has consistently denied the allegations of abuse made against him, and some people have defended his right to publish his memoir. However, the controversy surrounding the book highlights the ongoing debate about the role of art and artists in society, and the need for accountability and transparency in the face of allegations of abuse and misconduct.