Woocommerce not sending new order emails

The frustration of not receiving order confirmation emails in WooCommerce!

There could be several reasons why WooCommerce is not sending new order emails. Let's troubleshoot together:

  1. Check the email settings: Ensure that the email settings are correct in WooCommerce. Go to WooCommerce > Settings > Emails > New Order Email. Make sure the email address is correct, and the email is enabled.
  2. Verify the email notification settings: Check the notification settings for the new order email. Go to WooCommerce > Settings > Notifications > New Order. Ensure that the notification is enabled and the email address is correct.
  3. Check the email logs: Look for any errors in the email logs. Go to WooCommerce > System Status > Logs > Email Logs. Check for any errors or warnings related to email sending.
  4. Check the email configuration: Ensure that the email configuration is correct in your WordPress installation. Go to Settings > General > Email Address. Make sure the email address is correct and the email is enabled.
  5. Check the SMTP settings: If you're using an SMTP server, ensure that the settings are correct. Go to WooCommerce > Settings > Emails > SMTP. Check the server, port, username, and password settings.
  6. Check the PHP mail settings: Ensure that the PHP mail settings are correct. Go to Settings > General > PHP Mail. Check the mail settings, such as the mail server, port, and authentication settings.
  7. Check for plugin conflicts: Disable all plugins and check if the issue persists. If the issue is resolved, re-enable plugins one by one to identify the conflicting plugin.
  8. Check for theme conflicts: Switch to a default WordPress theme and check if the issue persists. If the issue is resolved, the theme might be causing the conflict.
  9. Check the WooCommerce version: Ensure that you're running the latest version of WooCommerce. Update WooCommerce to the latest version if necessary.
  10. Check the WordPress version: Ensure that you're running the latest version of WordPress. Update WordPress to the latest version if necessary.
  11. Check the server settings: Ensure that the server settings are correct. Check the server's mail settings, such as the mail server, port, and authentication settings.
  12. Check the firewall settings: Ensure that the firewall settings are not blocking the email sending. Check the firewall settings and allow the email sending.

If none of these steps resolve the issue, you can try:

I hope this helps you troubleshoot and resolve the issue with WooCommerce not sending new order emails!