Womenpreneur pitch a ton africa programme for young nigeria female entrepreneurs

Here's a potential pitch for a "Ton Africa" program for young Nigerian female entrepreneurs:

Title: Ton Africa: Empowering Young Nigerian Female Entrepreneurs to Achieve Economic Independence

Program Overview:

Ton Africa is a comprehensive entrepreneurship program designed specifically for young Nigerian female entrepreneurs. Our mission is to empower these women with the skills, knowledge, and resources they need to start and grow their own businesses, ultimately achieving economic independence and contributing to the growth of the Nigerian economy.

Program Objectives:

  1. To provide young Nigerian female entrepreneurs with access to entrepreneurship training, mentorship, and networking opportunities.
  2. To equip participants with the skills and knowledge necessary to develop and launch their own businesses.
  3. To foster a supportive community of female entrepreneurs who can collaborate, share knowledge, and learn from each other.
  4. To promote economic empowerment and independence among young Nigerian female entrepreneurs.

Program Components:

  1. Entrepreneurship Training: A 6-month intensive training program that covers topics such as business planning, marketing, finance, and leadership.
  2. Mentorship: Participants will be paired with experienced female entrepreneurs who will provide guidance, support, and feedback throughout the program.
  3. Networking: Regular networking events and workshops will be held to connect participants with other entrepreneurs, investors, and industry experts.
  4. Business Incubation: Participants will have access to a business incubation facility that provides office space, equipment, and other resources to help them launch and grow their businesses.
  5. Seed Funding: A competitive seed funding program will provide selected participants with access to funding to support the launch and growth of their businesses.

Target Audience:

Program Timeline:

Program Evaluation:

Program Partners:

Program Budget:

Program Sustainability:


Ton Africa is a comprehensive entrepreneurship program designed to empower young Nigerian female entrepreneurs to achieve economic independence. With a focus on training, mentorship, networking, and business incubation, we believe that this program will have a significant impact on the lives of these women and contribute to the growth of the Nigerian economy. We look forward to partnering with organizations and individuals who share our vision and are committed to supporting the empowerment of young Nigerian female entrepreneurs.