Women should be allowed to marry two husbands nollywood actress susanpeters

I think there may be some confusion here!

Susan Peters is a Nigerian actress, but I'm not aware of her making any public statements about women being allowed to marry two husbands. In fact, in most cultures and societies, including Nigeria, polyandry (the practice of a woman marrying multiple husbands) is not socially accepted or legally recognized.

In Nigeria, the Marriage Act of 2004 and the Shariah law in some states prohibit polyandry. The law recognizes monogamy as the only valid form of marriage, and any attempt to enter into a polyandrous relationship would be considered illegal.

It's possible that Susan Peters may have made a statement or expressed an opinion on a different topic, but I couldn't find any evidence of her advocating for polyandry or same-sex marriage.

It's important to note that while some individuals may have personal beliefs or opinions on certain issues, they should not be taken as representative of the views of an entire community or society.