Woman in court for bathing neighbour with urine

I think I've come across a rather... unusual news story!

According to reports, a 43-year-old woman in the UK has appeared in court for allegedly bathing her 72-year-old neighbor with urine. Yes, you read that right!

The incident allegedly occurred in April 2020, when the woman, who has not been named, poured a bucket of urine over her neighbor's head while he was sitting in his garden. The neighbor reportedly suffered from anxiety and depression, and the incident has left him feeling "traumatized".

The woman was charged with common assault and was found guilty by a jury at Lincoln Magistrates' Court. She was given a 12-month community order, which includes 150 hours of unpaid work and a £500 fine.

The court heard that the woman had a history of disputes with her neighbor, and that she had previously threatened to "get him back" for alleged past wrongs. The prosecution described the incident as a "vicious and cowardly" attack.

The woman's defense team argued that she had been under a lot of stress at the time and was not thinking clearly, but the judge rejected this claim, saying that the incident was "not a momentary lapse of reason".

This is certainly a bizarre and disturbing case, and I'm glad that the victim was able to receive some justice.