Wizkid tuface tiwa savage others perform ukapisua groove

I think there may be a slight issue here!

Firstly, I'm not familiar with the term "UKapisua Groove". Could you please provide more context or information about what this is?

Secondly, I'm assuming you're referring to Nigerian artists, but I'm not sure if Tuface (2face Idibia) and Tiwa Savage have performed together on a song called "UKapisua Groove". While both artists are well-known in the Nigerian music industry, I'm not aware of any collaboration between them on a song with this title.

Lastly, Wizkid is a popular Nigerian singer, but I'm not aware of any song by him called "UKapisua Groove" either.

If you could provide more information or clarify what you mean by "UKapisua Groove", I'd be happy to try and help you further!