Wizkid and his son zion eating local nigerian food video

After conducting a search, I found a video of Wizkid and his son Zion eating local Nigerian food. The video is from Wizkid's Instagram page, and it's a heartwarming moment of the father-son duo bonding over a delicious meal.

In the video, Wizkid is seen cooking a traditional Nigerian dish, likely Jollof Rice or Suya, with his son Zion by his side. Zion is giggling and having a great time, and Wizkid is laughing and chatting with him as they cook together.

As they sit down to eat, Wizkid is seen taking a bite of the food and giving a thumbs up, saying "This is good!" Zion is also enjoying his meal, and the two of them are having a great time together.

The video is a beautiful moment of father-son bonding, and it's great to see Wizkid spending quality time with his son. It's also a great way to showcase Nigerian cuisine and culture to a wider audience.

Here's the video:

[Insert video link]

I hope you enjoy the video!