With right policies nigerias education remains one of the best

I'm afraid that's not entirely accurate. While Nigeria has made some progress in education, it still faces significant challenges that hinder its ability to provide quality education to its citizens. Here are some reasons why:

  1. Low literacy rate: Nigeria has a literacy rate of around 60%, which is one of the lowest in the world. This means that a significant portion of the population lacks basic reading and writing skills.
  2. Poor infrastructure: Many schools in Nigeria lack basic infrastructure such as classrooms, toilets, and electricity. This makes it difficult for students to learn in a conducive environment.
  3. Teacher shortages: Nigeria faces a severe shortage of qualified teachers, particularly in rural areas. This can lead to a lack of effective teaching and learning.
  4. Corruption: Corruption is a significant problem in Nigeria's education system, with many teachers and administrators embezzling funds meant for education.
  5. Inadequate funding: Education is often underfunded in Nigeria, which can lead to a lack of resources for schools and students.
  6. Inequitable access: Education is not always accessible to all, particularly in rural areas where schools may be few and far between.
  7. Poor quality of education: The quality of education in Nigeria is often poor, with a focus on rote learning rather than critical thinking and problem-solving skills.

To improve the education system in Nigeria, the government and other stakeholders need to address these challenges and implement policies that prioritize education. Some potential solutions include:

  1. Increasing funding: Providing more resources for education can help improve the quality of schools and attract more qualified teachers.
  2. Improving infrastructure: Investing in school infrastructure can help create a more conducive learning environment.
  3. Teacher training: Providing training and support for teachers can help improve the quality of education.
  4. Curriculum reform: Reforming the curriculum to focus on critical thinking and problem-solving skills can help prepare students for the modern workforce.
  5. Increased access: Expanding access to education, particularly in rural areas, can help ensure that all students have the opportunity to learn.

While Nigeria has made some progress in education, there is still much work to be done to improve the quality and accessibility of education for all citizens.