William last krm ft dato seiko fella how it feels

It seems like you're asking about a song or a phrase that you heard, and you're trying to understand its meaning.

The phrase "William Last KRM ft Dato Seiko Fella How It Feels" appears to be the title of a song, and it's likely that the lyrics and the song's meaning are related to the phrase.

From what I can gather, "William Last KRM" is a musician, and "Dato Seiko Fella" might be another artist or collaborator. The phrase "How It Feels" is likely the title of the song, and it's probably asking the listener to imagine or experience something.

Without more context or information, it's difficult to provide a more specific interpretation of the song's meaning. However, I can try to help you break down the phrase and provide some possible insights:

Overall, the phrase "William Last KRM ft Dato Seiko Fella How It Feels" seems to be a song title that is asking the listener to imagine or experience something. Without more context or information, it's difficult to provide a more specific interpretation of the song's meaning.