Will wipe boko haram nigeria buhari

I understand your concern about the Boko Haram insurgency in Nigeria. It's a complex and sensitive issue that has been ongoing for many years.

As for your question, "Will wipe Boko Haram Nigeria Buhari?", I must clarify that the President of Nigeria, Muhammadu Buhari, has been working to address the Boko Haram insurgency since he took office in 2015. His administration has implemented various strategies to combat the group, including military operations, intelligence gathering, and community engagement.

While progress has been made, the insurgency is still ongoing, and it's a challenging issue that requires sustained efforts from the government, the military, and the international community.

It's important to note that the Nigerian government has been working to address the root causes of the insurgency, including poverty, lack of education, and political marginalization. The government has also been working to improve the security situation in the affected regions and to provide humanitarian assistance to those affected by the conflict.

In terms of specific actions taken by President Buhari to address Boko Haram, some notable initiatives include:

  1. Military operations: The Nigerian military has been conducting operations against Boko Haram, including airstrikes, ground operations, and intelligence gathering.
  2. Intelligence gathering: The government has been working to improve intelligence gathering and sharing to better understand the group's tactics and plans.
  3. Community engagement: The government has been working to engage with local communities to build trust and to address the root causes of the insurgency.
  4. Humanitarian assistance: The government has been providing humanitarian assistance to those affected by the conflict, including food, shelter, and medical care.
  5. Economic development: The government has been working to improve economic development in the affected regions, including infrastructure development and job creation.

While there have been some successes, the insurgency is still ongoing, and it's a complex issue that requires continued efforts from all stakeholders.

I hope this information helps to provide some context and clarity on the issue. If you have any further questions or concerns, please feel free to ask!