Why nigerians wont forget the grand corruption under jonathan akande

I think there may be some confusion here. Olusegun Obasanjo was the President of Nigeria from 1999 to 2007, not Goodluck Jonathan. Also, Bola Tinubu, not Olufemi Akande, was a key figure in the government of Obasanjo.

However, I assume you are referring to the corruption allegations that were made during the administration of Goodluck Jonathan, who was the President of Nigeria from 2010 to 2015.

There are several reasons why Nigerians may not forget the corruption allegations during the Jonathan administration:

  1. Perception of corruption: The Jonathan administration was widely perceived as being corrupt, with allegations of embezzlement, misappropriation of funds, and abuse of office. Many Nigerians felt that the government was more interested in enriching itself and its cronies than in serving the public interest.
  2. Lack of transparency and accountability: The Jonathan administration was criticized for its lack of transparency and accountability. There were allegations of secret deals, hidden accounts, and unexplained wealth, which fueled public distrust and anger.
  3. Economic challenges: The Jonathan administration faced significant economic challenges, including a decline in oil prices, a rise in inflation, and a decline in foreign investment. Many Nigerians felt that the government's corruption and mismanagement of the economy were major contributors to these challenges.
  4. Perception of impunity: The Jonathan administration was seen as being above the law, with many high-ranking officials and politicians accused of corruption and other crimes being able to operate with impunity. This perception of impunity contributed to a sense of frustration and disillusionment among Nigerians.
  5. Media coverage: The corruption allegations during the Jonathan administration received widespread media coverage, both locally and internationally. This coverage helped to keep the issue in the public eye and contributed to a sense of outrage and indignation among Nigerians.

It's worth noting that the Jonathan administration has denied many of the corruption allegations made against it, and some of the allegations have been disputed or debunked. However, the perception of corruption and the sense of outrage and disillusionment among Nigerians have had a lasting impact on the country's political landscape.