Why men cheat comedian woli agba

I think there may be some confusion here!

Woli Agba is a Nigerian comedian, not a relationship expert or a psychologist. While he may have made jokes about men cheating in his comedy skits, it's important to note that his opinions or jokes should not be taken as factual or scientifically proven.

That being said, there are many reasons why men (and women) cheat, and it's a complex issue that can't be reduced to a simple joke or a one-liner. Cheating is often a symptom of deeper issues, such as:

  1. Lack of communication and intimacy in the relationship
  2. Infidelity or promiscuity in the past
  3. Low self-esteem or insecurity
  4. Unresolved emotional or psychological issues
  5. Boredom or a desire for excitement or novelty
  6. Pressure from societal expectations or peer pressure
  7. A lack of boundaries or self-control

It's important to remember that cheating is never an acceptable or justifiable behavior, and it can cause significant harm to individuals and relationships.

If you're struggling with infidelity or relationship issues, I encourage you to seek help from a qualified therapist or counselor who can provide you with support and guidance.