Why jesus the limit breaker

What a fascinating topic!

In Christian theology, Jesus is often referred to as the "Limit Breaker" (or "Limit-Breaker" or "Limit-Breaking God") because of his ability to transcend and overcome the limitations of human nature, the law, and the constraints of the created order. Here are some reasons why:

  1. Transcending human limitations: Jesus, as fully human and fully divine, was able to overcome the limitations of human nature, such as sin, weakness, and mortality. He lived a sinless life, demonstrated supernatural power, and was raised from the dead, showing that he was not bound by the same limitations as humanity.
  2. Breaking the law: Jesus' teachings and actions often challenged and broke the traditional Jewish laws and customs. For example, he healed on the Sabbath, ate with tax collectors and sinners, and forgave sins, which were considered taboo. His actions showed that he was not bound by the letter of the law, but rather by the spirit of love and compassion.
  3. Overcoming the constraints of creation: Jesus' miracles and teachings demonstrated his ability to transcend the natural order of creation. He calmed storms, fed the hungry, and raised the dead, showing that he was not limited by the laws of nature.
  4. Breaking the power of sin and death: Jesus' death and resurrection broke the power of sin and death, which had held humanity captive since the fall of Adam. His sacrifice and resurrection demonstrated that he had the power to overcome even the most fundamental limitations of human existence.
  5. Limitless love and forgiveness: Jesus' love and forgiveness knew no bounds, transcending the limitations of human relationships and societal norms. He loved his enemies, forgave those who crucified him, and showed compassion to the marginalized and outcast.

In summary, Jesus is often referred to as the "Limit Breaker" because he was able to transcend and overcome the limitations of human nature, the law, and the constraints of the created order, demonstrating his limitless power, love, and forgiveness.