Why deposed emir was banished despite section 45 kano attorney general

I think there may be some confusion here.

Section 45 of the Kano State Attorney General's office is not a relevant provision in this context. The Emir of Kano is a traditional ruler, not a subject of the Kano State Attorney General's office.

To clarify, the Emir of Kano is a hereditary monarch who has been deposed by the Kano State Government. The reasons for the deposition are not publicly disclosed, but it is likely due to a combination of factors, including the Emir's alleged involvement in political activities, his perceived lack of support for the government, and/or his failure to comply with the government's expectations.

Banishment is a common punishment for deposed monarchs in Nigeria, as it is seen as a way to remove them from power and prevent them from causing further trouble. In this case, the deposed Emir was likely banished to prevent him from engaging in any further political activities or causing unrest in the state.

It's worth noting that the deposition and banishment of the Emir of Kano was likely carried out in accordance with the laws and customs of the Kano State Government, rather than any specific provision of the Kano State Attorney General's office.