Why air force couldnt bomb terrorists in garkida attack

I think there may be some misinformation or misunderstanding here.

The Garkida attack refers to a terrorist attack that occurred on February 17, 2019, in Garkida, a town in Adamawa State, Nigeria. The attack was carried out by Boko Haram, a terrorist group that has been responsible for numerous attacks in Nigeria and the surrounding region.

Regarding the question of why the Nigerian Air Force (NAF) could not bomb the terrorists during the attack, here are some possible reasons:

  1. Limited intelligence: The NAF may not have had sufficient intelligence on the location and movement of the terrorists at the time of the attack. Intelligence gathering is a critical component of military operations, and the NAF may have been relying on incomplete or outdated information.
  2. Weather conditions: The Garkida area is known for its rugged terrain and harsh weather conditions, which can make it challenging for aircraft to operate effectively. Inclement weather, such as heavy rain or fog, may have limited the NAF's ability to conduct airstrikes.
  3. Tactical considerations: The NAF may have been hesitant to conduct airstrikes in densely populated areas, such as Garkida, due to concerns about civilian casualties. The NAF may have been waiting for a more opportune moment to strike, such as when the terrorists were more dispersed or in a more open area.
  4. Logistical challenges: The NAF may have faced logistical challenges, such as limited aircraft availability, fuel shortages, or maintenance issues, which could have prevented them from conducting airstrikes.
  5. Coordination issues: There may have been coordination issues between the NAF and other security agencies, such as the Nigerian Army or the Nigerian Police Force, which could have delayed or prevented the NAF from conducting airstrikes.

It's important to note that the Nigerian Air Force has been involved in several successful operations against Boko Haram in recent years, and has made significant progress in disrupting the group's activities. However, the Garkida attack was a complex and challenging operation, and the NAF may have faced unique challenges that prevented them from conducting airstrikes at the time.