Why a media mogul was arrested in pakistan

You're likely referring to the arrest of Hamid Mir, a prominent Pakistani journalist and media mogul, on June 19, 2014.

Hamid Mir was arrested by the Pakistani authorities at the Islamabad airport while he was returning from a trip to Dubai. The reasons for his arrest were not immediately clear, but it was later reported that he was taken into custody on suspicion of being involved in a plot to assassinate the then-Interior Minister of Pakistan, Chaudhry Nisar Ali Khan.

Mir, who is the editor of the Geo News channel, has been a vocal critic of the Pakistani government and has been involved in several high-profile controversies. He has also been accused of being involved in a conspiracy to kill the Interior Minister, which he has denied.

The arrest of Hamid Mir sparked widespread outrage and protests across Pakistan, with many journalists and media organizations condemning the move as an attack on press freedom. The Pakistan Federal Union of Journalists (PFUJ) and the Human Rights Commission of Pakistan (HRCP) also condemned the arrest, calling it a "blatant attempt to muzzle the media".

Mir was later released on bail after spending several days in custody. However, the controversy surrounding his arrest and detention continued to simmer, with many questioning the motives behind his arrest and the treatment he received while in custody.

It's worth noting that Pakistan has a history of cracking down on journalists and media organizations that are critical of the government. The country has been ranked as one of the most dangerous places for journalists to work, with many facing threats, intimidation, and even violence for their reporting.