Who will be the new president of the united states

A question that's always on everyone's mind!

As of now, the next presidential election in the United States is scheduled to take place on November 3, 2024. The current President of the United States is Joe Biden, who was inaugurated on January 20, 2021.

As for who will be the next President, it's difficult to predict with certainty, as the election is still over a year away, and many factors can influence the outcome. However, here are some of the most prominent candidates who have already announced their intentions to run for the presidency:

Democratic Party:

  1. Joe Biden (Incumbent President)
  2. Kamala Harris (Vice President)
  3. Bernie Sanders (Senator from Vermont)
  4. Elizabeth Warren (Senator from Massachusetts)
  5. Pete Buttigieg (Former Mayor of South Bend, Indiana)
  6. Andrew Yang (Entrepreneur and Author)
  7. Tulsi Gabbard (Congresswoman from Hawaii)
  8. Michael Bloomberg (Former Mayor of New York City)

Republican Party:

  1. Donald Trump (Former President)
  2. Mike Pence (Former Vice President)
  3. Nikki Haley (Former Governor of South Carolina and UN Ambassador)
  4. Ted Cruz (Senator from Texas)
  5. Marco Rubio (Senator from Florida)
  6. Rand Paul (Senator from Kentucky)
  7. John Kasich (Former Governor of Ohio)
  8. Bill Weld (Former Governor of Massachusetts)

Third Party and Independent Candidates:

  1. Howie Hawkins (Green Party)
  2. Gloria La Riva (Socialist Party USA)
  3. Rocky De La Fuente (Alliance Party)
  4. Kanye West (Independent)

Please note that this is not an exhaustive list, and more candidates may announce their intentions to run in the coming months. The election process will involve primaries and caucuses, where voters in each state will choose their preferred candidates, followed by the general election in November 2024.

Remember, the outcome of the election is ultimately up to the voters, and it's essential to stay informed and engaged in the democratic process.