Who owns fox news network

Fox News Network is a subsidiary of Fox Corporation, a media conglomerate that was spun off from 21st Century Fox in 2019. The majority owner of Fox Corporation is The Walt Disney Company, which acquired 21st Century Fox's film and television assets, including the Fox broadcast network, in 2019.

However, the Fox News Network is not owned by Disney. Instead, it is owned by Fox Corporation, which is a separate and independent company. Fox Corporation is led by CEO Lachlan Murdoch, who is the son of media mogul Rupert Murdoch.

Rupert Murdoch, along with his family, has a significant stake in Fox Corporation. The Murdoch family owns approximately 39% of Fox Corporation's Class A shares, making them the largest shareholders of the company.

Here is a breakdown of the ownership structure of Fox Corporation:

It's worth noting that while Disney owns a significant stake in Fox Corporation, it does not have control over the Fox News Network or any other Fox Corporation assets. Fox News Network operates independently and is not subject to Disney's editorial control.