Who's going to be the new superman

A question that sparks excitement and debate among comic book fans!

As of now, there isn't an officially announced new Superman. The current Superman, Kal-El (also known as Clark Kent), is still an active character in the DC Comics universe. However, there have been various iterations and reimaginings of the character over the years, and it's possible that we might see a new Superman in the future.

Here are a few possibilities:

  1. Jon Kent: In the DC Comics universe, Jon Kent is the son of Clark Kent and Lois Lane. He has taken on the mantle of Superman in some storylines, and it's possible that he could become the new Superman in the future.
  2. Superboy: Superboy, also known as Kon-El, is a clone of Superman created by Project Cadmus. He has been a part of the DC Universe for many years and has taken on the Superman mantle in some storylines.
  3. Other characters: There have been other characters who have taken on the Superman mantle in various comic book storylines, such as Power Girl, Supergirl, or even a female Superman. It's possible that we might see a new character take on the role in the future.

In terms of upcoming movies and TV shows, there have been rumors about a potential new Superman film or TV series, but nothing has been officially announced. If a new Superman project is greenlit, it's likely that the character will be reimagined or rebooted in some way.

What do you think about the possibility of a new Superman? Who would you like to see take on the role?