Where to meet new friends online

There are many ways to meet new friends online, depending on your interests and preferences. Here are some popular options:

  1. Social Media Groups: Join Facebook groups, Reddit forums, or Discord servers centered around your hobbies or interests. This way, you can connect with like-minded people and engage in discussions.
  2. Online Communities: Look for online communities related to your passions, such as:
    • Goodreads (book lovers)
    • Stack Overflow (coders and developers)
    • GitHub (coders and developers)
    • Reddit (various subreddits for different interests)
  3. Gaming Platforms: Join online gaming communities, such as:
    • Steam (PC gamers)
    • Xbox Live (Xbox gamers)
    • PlayStation Network (PS4 gamers)
    • Discord (gaming communities)
  4. Language Exchange Websites: Practice languages and meet new friends on:
    • italki (language exchange and tutoring)
    • Conversation Exchange (language exchange)
    • Tandem (language exchange and practice)
  5. Online Meetups: Attend virtual meetups and events on:
    • Meetup.com (various topics and interests)
    • Eventbrite (online events and webinars)
    • Zoom (online conferences and meetups)
  6. Blogging and Vlogging: Share your content and connect with others who share similar interests on:
    • WordPress (blogging platform)
    • YouTube (vlogging platform)
    • Medium (writing platform)
  7. Online Forums: Engage in discussions on:
    • Quora (Q&A platform)
    • Stack Exchange (Q&A platform for various topics)
    • Online forums related to your interests (e.g., photography, music, etc.)
  8. Virtual Events: Attend online conferences, workshops, and webinars on:
    • Eventbrite (online events and webinars)
    • Zoom (online conferences and meetups)
    • Google Meet (online meetings and events)
  9. Online Courses: Take online courses and connect with fellow students on:
    • Coursera (online courses)
    • Udemy (online courses)
    • edX (online courses)
  10. Friendship Apps: Try apps designed for making new friends, such as:
    • Hey! Vina (social networking app for women)
    • Meetup (social networking app for in-person events)
    • Bumble BFF (social networking app for friendships)

Remember to always prioritize your safety and privacy when meeting new people online.