Where are the premier league pantomime villains

The Premier League has had its fair share of pantomime villains over the years. Here are a few examples:

  1. Roy Keane (Manchester United): Keane's fiery personality and tendency to speak his mind often made him a target for opposition fans. His infamous "I'd love to have played with him" comment about Patrick Vieira during a match against Arsenal in 2005 is still widely remembered.
  2. John Terry (Chelsea): Terry's aggressive playing style and tendency to dive often earned him the ire of fans and pundits alike. His infamous "I'm the king of the world" celebration after scoring a goal against Manchester City in 2009 is still widely mocked.
  3. Wayne Rooney (Manchester United/Everton): Rooney's temper and tendency to lash out at opponents often made him a pantomime villain. His red card for kicking out at Ricardo Carvalho in 2006 is still widely remembered.
  4. Luis Suarez (Liverpool): Suarez's controversial past, including biting opponents and making racist remarks, made him a target for opposition fans. His infamous "hand of God" moment against Ghana in the 2010 World Cup is still widely remembered.
  5. Diego Costa (Chelsea): Costa's aggressive playing style and tendency to dive often earned him the ire of fans and pundits alike. His infamous "I'm not a diver" comment after being booked for simulation in 2015 is still widely mocked.
  6. Sergio Aguero (Manchester City): Aguero's tendency to celebrate goals in an over-the-top manner, including his infamous "knee-slide" celebration against Queens Park Rangers in 2012, often made him a target for opposition fans.
  7. Jamie Vardy (Leicester City): Vardy's aggressive playing style and tendency to wind up opponents often made him a pantomime villain. His infamous "I'm a Vardy" celebration after scoring a goal against Manchester United in 2016 is still widely remembered.
  8. Raheem Sterling (Liverpool/Manchester City): Sterling's tendency to celebrate goals in an over-the-top manner, including his infamous "dab" celebration, often made him a target for opposition fans. His controversial past, including a high-profile feud with Liverpool fans, also contributed to his pantomime villain status.

Of course, it's worth noting that these players are all talented footballers who have achieved great things in the sport. However, their on-field antics and off-field controversies have often made them the subject of ridicule and scorn from fans and pundits alike.