When will sassa r350 grant end will r350 grant continue

The South African Social Security Agency (SASSA) has been providing a R350 grant to eligible individuals since 2020, as part of the government's response to the COVID-19 pandemic. The grant was initially intended to be a temporary measure, but it has been extended several times.

As of now, the R350 grant is set to expire on March 31, 2023. However, the South African government has announced that it will continue to provide the grant beyond this date, but with some changes.

In October 2022, the Minister of Social Development, Lindiwe Zulu, announced that the grant would be extended until June 30, 2024. The grant will continue to be provided to eligible individuals, but with some modifications to the eligibility criteria and application process.

Here are some key changes to the R350 grant:

  1. Eligibility criteria: The grant will be limited to individuals who are 18 years or older, are not in employment, and do not receive any other social grant or pension.
  2. Application process: The application process will be simplified, and individuals will be able to apply online or through a mobile app.
  3. Payment method: The grant will be paid directly into the beneficiary's bank account or through a mobile wallet.
  4. Amount: The grant amount will remain at R350 per month.

It's worth noting that the R350 grant is subject to change, and the government may make further adjustments to the program as needed. I recommend keeping an eye on official government announcements and SASSA's website for the latest information on the grant.

If you're an eligible individual, you can apply for the R350 grant through the SASSA website or by visiting a SASSA office.