Whatsapp news link

Here are some popular WhatsApp news links:

General News

  1. BBC News: www.bbc.com/news
  2. Al Jazeera: www.aljazeera.com
  3. CNN: edition.cnn.com
  4. The New York Times: www.nytimes.com
  5. The Guardian: www.theguardian.com

Business News

  1. Bloomberg: www.bloomberg.com
  2. CNBC: www.cnbc.com
  3. Forbes: www.forbes.com
  4. Financial Times: www.ft.com
  5. Reuters: www.reuters.com

Sports News

  1. ESPN: www.espn.com
  2. Sky Sports: www.skysports.com
  3. BBC Sport: www.bbc.com/sport
  4. Fox Sports: www.foxsports.com
  5. Sports Illustrated: www.si.com

Technology News

  1. The Verge: www.theverge.com
  2. CNET: www.cnet.com
  3. TechCrunch: www.techcrunch.com
  4. Wired: www.wired.com
  5. Engadget: www.engadget.com

Entertainment News

  1. Variety: www.variety.com
  2. The Hollywood Reporter: www.hollywoodreporter.com
  3. Entertainment Weekly: www.ew.com
  4. People Magazine: www.people.com
  5. E! News: www.eonline.com

Please note that these links are subject to change, and you may need to search for the latest links to access the news websites.