What type of storage does not accept new information

There are several types of storage that do not accept new information:

  1. Read-Only Memory (ROM): ROM is a type of non-volatile storage that contains data that cannot be changed or written to. Once the data is written to ROM, it remains there permanently.
  2. Flash Memory (ROM-like): Some types of flash memory, such as ROM-like flash, are designed to be read-only and do not accept new information.
  3. EEPROM (Electrically Erasable Programmable Read-Only Memory): EEPROM is a type of non-volatile memory that can be erased and reprogrammed, but it is typically used for storing data that does not change frequently, and new information is not written to it frequently.
  4. Optical Discs (e.g., CDs, DVDs, Blu-rays): Optical discs are designed to store data in a read-only format. Once the data is written to the disc, it cannot be changed or updated.
  5. Magnetic Tape: Magnetic tape is a type of storage that is designed for archival purposes. Once data is written to the tape, it is typically not updated or changed, and new information is not written to the tape.
  6. Cryptographic Hashes: A cryptographic hash is a digital fingerprint of a piece of data. Once a hash is calculated, it is fixed and cannot be changed or updated.
  7. Immutable Storage: Immutable storage is a type of storage that is designed to prevent data from being modified or deleted. Once data is written to immutable storage, it remains there permanently and cannot be changed.

These types of storage are designed to preserve data integrity and prevent accidental or malicious changes to the stored information.