What to talk about with a new girl

The age-old question! Talking to a new girl can be nerve-wracking, but with some conversation topics, you can break the ice and build a connection. Here are some ideas:

Light and casual topics

  1. Hobbies: Ask her about her interests, favorite activities, or sports she enjoys.
  2. Travel: Talk about places she's been, wants to visit, or favorite travel experiences.
  3. Food: Discuss her favorite cuisines, restaurants, or cooking habits.
  4. Movies/TV shows: Ask about her favorite genres, movies, or TV shows.
  5. Music: Share your favorite artists, genres, or concert experiences.

Getting to know her better

  1. Childhood memories: Ask about her favorite childhood memories or stories.
  2. Goals and aspirations: Discuss her short-term and long-term goals, and what drives her.
  3. Bucket list: Ask about things she wants to try or achieve in her lifetime.
  4. Favorite books or authors: Discuss her favorite books, authors, or genres.
  5. Work or studies: Ask about her job, studies, or career aspirations.

Fun and playful topics

  1. Funny stories: Share a funny story or ask her to share one about herself.
  2. Childhood crushes: Ask about her favorite childhood crushes or celebrities.
  3. Guilty pleasures: Discuss her guilty pleasure TV shows, movies, or music.
  4. Would you rather: Play a "Would you rather" game, where you present two options and she chooses which one she prefers.
  5. Two truths and a lie: Share two true statements and one false statement about yourself, and ask her to guess which one is the lie.

Deep and meaningful topics

  1. Values and principles: Discuss what's important to her, such as family, friendship, or personal growth.
  2. Life lessons: Ask about lessons she's learned from her experiences or challenges.
  3. Goals and motivations: Discuss what drives her and what she's working towards.
  4. Self-care: Ask about her self-care habits, such as exercise, meditation, or hobbies.
  5. Bucket list experiences: Ask about experiences she wants to have in her lifetime, such as skydiving or learning a new language.

Remember, the key is to be genuine, listen actively, and show interest in getting to know her. Avoid talking too much about yourself and focus on building a connection. Good luck!