What new team leaders should do first

Congratulations on your new role as a team leader! Here are some essential tasks to consider completing first:

  1. Familiarize yourself with the team and its dynamics:
    • Meet with each team member individually to understand their strengths, weaknesses, and concerns.
    • Observe team interactions, meetings, and workflows to get a sense of the team's culture and communication style.
  2. Review team goals, objectives, and key performance indicators (KPIs):
    • Understand the team's current goals, objectives, and KPIs to ensure you're aligned with the organization's overall strategy.
    • Identify areas where the team may need to adjust its goals or KPIs to better align with the organization's priorities.
  3. Establish open communication channels:
    • Set up regular team meetings, such as daily or weekly stand-ups, to keep everyone informed and aligned.
    • Encourage open communication by creating a safe and respectful environment where team members feel comfortable sharing their thoughts and ideas.
  4. Assess team skills and knowledge gaps:
    • Identify areas where team members may need additional training or support to perform their jobs effectively.
    • Develop a plan to address these gaps, which may include training sessions, mentorship, or coaching.
  5. Streamline processes and workflows:
    • Review the team's current processes and workflows to identify areas for improvement.
    • Implement changes that will increase efficiency, reduce waste, and improve overall productivity.
  6. Set clear expectations and goals:
    • Clearly communicate your expectations for the team's performance, including goals, objectives, and KPIs.
    • Establish a plan for measuring progress and providing feedback to team members.
  7. Build relationships with stakeholders:
    • Introduce yourself to key stakeholders, such as team members, colleagues, and supervisors.
    • Establish relationships with stakeholders to ensure you're informed about their needs and expectations.
  8. Develop a plan for team development and growth:
    • Identify opportunities for team members to grow and develop in their roles.
    • Develop a plan to provide training, mentorship, and coaching to support team members' growth and development.
  9. Establish a system for tracking progress and performance:
    • Set up a system for tracking team performance, including metrics and KPIs.
    • Use this system to monitor progress, identify areas for improvement, and provide feedback to team members.
  10. Lead by example:
    • Demonstrate the behaviors and values you expect from your team members.
    • Show enthusiasm, positivity, and a willingness to learn and adapt to new situations.

By completing these tasks, you'll be well on your way to establishing a strong foundation for your new role as a team leader.