What is the plural of news

The plural form of "news" is actually a bit tricky. Here are the different ways it can be used:

  1. News (singular): "I read the news yesterday." (Here, "news" refers to a single piece of information or a report.)
  2. News (plural, but referring to a single type of information): "I read the news every day." (Here, "news" refers to multiple pieces of information, but all of the same type.)
  3. The news (plural, but referring to multiple specific pieces of information): "I read the news about the election and the weather forecast." (Here, "the news" refers to multiple specific pieces of information.)
  4. Newses (rarely used, but technically the plural form): "I read many newses about the latest developments." (This is a less common way to refer to multiple pieces of information, but it's not commonly used in everyday language.)

So, to summarize: